Standard (Daily) Backup Defined

  • 7019441
  • 26-Jul-2010
  • 29-Aug-2017


Reload (all version)


What happens during a Standard backup and where is it stored?  (also called Standard/Daily/incremental)


This is what happens during a daily backup:

a) The Standard backup, by default, runs Sunday through Friday at 8:00pm, although customers can configure it to run on Saturdays as well.  When the job kicks off, it creates a temporary directory under /[profile]/backups called creating.

b) The Standard backup process backs up the ofuser and the ofmsg directories every time it runs.

c) The master copy of the BLOBS (offiles) directory on the reload server is compared to the BLOBS directory on the productions server.

d) All of the differences, which would be the new BLOBS since the last Reload backup, will be copied into the master copy of the BLOBS directory on the Reload server.  NOTE: The BLOBS that have been deleted from the Production GroupWise server will not be deleted from the master copy of the BLOBS on the Reload server until the Portable runs.

e) When the job completes, the backed up files are placed in a subdirectory off of the /[profile]/backups/weeknow directory, with that subdirectory typically named after the date the job ran.

Additional Information

This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 1820.